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Was identifiziert eigentlich der EKI? Ich dachte mit dem werden nur Katalogisate identifiziert und nicht etwa Titel, oder?
Mein Beispiel für die Verwendung des EKI:

<!-- Beschreibung der information resource (Katalogisat) -->
<bibo:Document rdf:about="">
<!-- Verknüpfung mit der non-information resource (Titel) -->
<foaf:primaryTopic rdf:resource=""/>
<!-- EKI -->
<dcterms:identifier rdf:resource="urn:nbn:de:eki/ZDB2071735"/>
<!-- ZDB-ID -->
<dcterms:created rdf:datatype="xsd:date">2002-02-07</dcterms:created>
<dcterms:modified rdf:datatype="xsd:dateTime">2008-05-06T07:42:03</dcterms:modified>

Siehe hierzu, wo es heißt:


The most important identifier is the so-called Culturegraph-URN (CG-URN). The CG-URN is based on the EKI or some other widely deployed (library) identifier schema, e. g. GW, VD16, VD17, LCCN, or OCLC-Number that is attached - with or wihout a prefix - to urn:nbn:de:eki-.

The CG-URN always identifies a bibliographic resource. It does not identify a bibliographic description. If the identifier the CG-URN is based on identifiers for a bibliographic resource – e.g. VD16 – then they identify the same resource. If, however, the identifier the CG-URN is based on identifiers for a bibliographic description – e. g. OCLC-Number – then the CG-URN still describes the bibliographic resource and does not identify the same thing as the identifier it's based on.
For a list of widely deployed identifier schemes, cf. Identifikation der Ressource oder des Datensatzes?

Example: The EKI GBVNLM003525147 is a common identifier for bibliographic records that describe the electronic publication " Society and individual in Renaissance Florence / Max Haller (2003)". The derived CG-URN urn:nbn:de:GBVNLM003525147 will identify the publication itself.

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