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Personal Digital Archiving WG

Objectives and tasks

We view long-term digital preservation primarily in the context of cultural, scientific or administrative data (collections). Today, digital data permeates all aspects of modern society. Digital data are created, used, shared and stored in various forms in the realm of training, education and work, as well as to a large extent in the private sphere. Here, people face the challenge of wanting or needing to handle personal digital data responsibly, without there being any German-language forum for the corresponding media skills. 

Legal prescription and retention periods also apply to private individuals. There is increased interest in the trustworthy archiving of crucial personal data for society at large given the increased amount of digital processing in the business and official spheres. People also have a substantial interest in keeping personal data such as digital photos, music, films etc. accessible and retrievable. The knowledge required for this must often be laboriously acquired and extended on an ongoing basis. This also includes an awareness of one's personal selection criteria, particularly regarding which data are relevant. 

The nestor Personal Digital Archiving WG aims to develop and publicise comprehensible guidelines for the responsible handling of private digital data. Based on existing knowledge of and approaches towards institutional long-term preservation, the aim is to develop and put forward modular proposals which can be combined to reflect the large number of highly diverse application cases of individuals. Further possibilities for drawing attention to the subject are also being identified, as are the stakeholders who can be approached.

Contact Persons

Natascha SchumannGESIS Leibniz Institut für
Martin IordanidisHochschulbibliothekszentrum des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen (hbz)
Prof. Dr. Achim OßwaldTH Köln, Institut fuer Informationswissenschaft

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