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Concepts used to categorize an object / work by grouping it together with others on the basis of similar characteristics.

How to record: The category belongs to a systematic scheme (classification) which groups objects of similar characteristics according to uniform aspects. This grouping / classification may be done according to material, form, shape, function, region of origin, cultural context, or historical or stylistic period. In addition to this systematic grouping it may also be done according to organizational divisions within a museum (e.g., according to the collection structure of a museum). If the object / work is assigned to multiple classifications, repeat this element. Preferably taken from a published controlled vocabulary.
Cardinality: (0-unbounded)
Beispiele LIDO-Datensatz:

  <lido:classification lido:type="Sachgruppe">
  <lido:conceptID lido:type="local" lido:source="xTree">1.910</lido:conceptID>
  <lido:conceptID lido:type="uri">>
  <lido:conceptID lido:type="uri">>
  <lido:term lido:addedSearchTerm="yes" xml:lang="de">Öffentlichkeit und Gemeinwesen</lido:term>

  <lido:classification lido:type="Gattung">
  <lido:term>Druckgraphik</lido:term> </lido:classification>


Beispiele in der DDB: