Versionen im Vergleich


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  • mods:topic = "topic" is used as the tag for any topical subjects that are not appropriate in the <geographic>, <temporal>, <titleInfo>, or <name> subelements.
  • mods:geographic = "geographic" is used for geographic subject terms that are not parsed as hierarchical geographics.
  • mods:temporal = "temporal" is used for chronological subject terms or temporal coverage. It may be expressed as a controlled subject term or as a structured date using the same data definition as MODS dates.
  • mods:titelInfo = "titleInfo" includes a title used as a subject. All subelements and attributes used under the top-level element <titleInfo> may be used with this subelement.
  • mods:name = "name" includes a name used as a subject. All subelements and attributes used under the top-level element <name> may be used.
  • mods:geographicCode = "geographicCode" includes a geographic area code associated with a resource.
  • mods:genre = "genre" includes a genre or form used as part of a subject string when the subject authority distinguishes subdivisions of the main subject (e.g. LCSH). If describing the genre of a resource as a whole, use in the <genre> element.
  • mods:hierarchicalGeographic = a geographic name given in a hierarchical form relating to the resource. -> hat die Subelemente continent, country, province, region, state, territory, county, city, island, area, extraterrestrialArea, citySection
  • cartographics = "cartographics" is a wrapper element that includes cartographic data indicating spatial coverage. -> hat die Subelemente scale, projection, coordinates
  • occupation = "occupation " includes a term that is descriptive of the occupation reflected in the contents of the described materials. It is not used to list the occupations of the creators of the described materials, unless those occupations are significantly reflected in the materials themselves or bear some relationship to the materials.


  • I.d.R. wird mods:subject mit dem Unterfeld mods:topic verwendet
  • Wenn mods:subject mit dem Unterfeld mods:hierarchicalGeographic verwendet wird, handelt es sich i.d.R. um den Erscheinung- oder Druckort, nicht um das Thema der Ressource.
  • Das Element wird überhaupt eher selten für die Lieferung von Schlagworten die die Beschreibung des Themas verwendet
  • Die Verwendung von Schlagwortstandards wie z. B. GND kommt noch seltener vor.
  • Häufig fehlt eine Angabe zu dem Normvokabular, aus dem die Werte übernommen wurden.
  • In den älteren Goobi-Daten enthält dieses Element häufig den Autoren-Titel-Schlüssel.
