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Element-/Attributname1.1. Catalog Level   Monument@type

LEVEL attribute

in DDB:
Leader Position 07 Bibliographic Level

(lt. Getty aber auch auch:

655 Genre/Form
300a Physical Description - Extent)

mets:structMap type="logical"mods:typeOfResource recordType
URI/URL  mods/mods-outline-3-5.html#typeOfResource 
DefinitionAn indication of the level of cataloging represented by the record, based on the physical form or intellectual content of the material.  Unterscheidung, ob sich die  Beschreibung auf ein Baudenkmal oder auf ein  Flächendenkmal bezieht.  Liste der erlaubten Werte: term that specifies the characteristics and general type of content of the resource. Term establishing whether the record represents an individual item or a collection, series, or group of works.
Verwendungshinweis  INSPIRE konforme Typbezeichung.     

"typeOfResource" is generally equivalent to the type of record codes in MARC 21 Leader/06 in that it differentiates the resource being described as to content type. A controlled list of textual values are used. Attributes are used to further indicate whether the resource is a collection (i.e. an aggregation of items, designated in MARC 21 in Leader/07 Bibliographic level) or manuscript in nature (designated in MARC 21 as a separate Leader/06 code that combines the manuscript property with a resource type). This element includes a high-level type that categorizes the material in a general way. More specific typing is done in the <genre> element.

The attributes "collection" and "manuscript" are associated with a specific value used in <typeOfResource>. For example, a MODS object which consists of a collection of maps with associated text would be represented by two instances of <typeOfResource>. The first would be "cartographic" with attribute collection="yes," and the second would be "text" (with no attribute).

There may be no value given for "typeOfResource" if the "collection" or "manuscript" attribute is used and none of the enumerated values is appropriate. For example <typeOfResource collection="yes"></typeOfResource> to indicate that a resource is a collection with no specified value for typeOfResource.

Beispiel(e) item, volume, group, subgroup, collection, series, set, multiples, component Baudenkmal, Flächendenkmal, Teil eines Denkmals

Stufenmodell aus ISAD-G:
A0= Archiv, B1–6= Beständehauptgruppe bwz. -serie – Beständeuntergruppe, B7= Bestand, C0= Teilbestand, D0–D9= Gruppe (Gliederungsstufe)   E0= Serie, F0= Archivalieneinheit, G0= Vorgang,  H0= Dokument (physisches Einzelstück), J0= Teildokument

a - Monographic component part
b - Serial component part
c - Collection
d - Subunit
i - Integrating resource
m - Monograph/Item
s - Serial

  text, cartographic, notated music, sound recording, sound recording-musical, sound recording-nonmusical, still image, moving image, three dimensional object, software/multimedia, mixed materials item, collection, series, group, volume, fonds.
Element-/Attributname1.2 Object/WorkTypedc:type; dcterms:typebuildingType<controlaccess>                             <genreform> (in <archdesc>)655 Genre - Form  mods:typeOfResource genreobjectWorkType
URI/URL html#genre
Definition The kind of object or work described. The nature or genre of the resource. Klassifikation des Bautyps / der FunktionArchivalientyp 

Terms indicating the genre, form, and/or physical characteristics of the materials being  described. A genre term designates the style or technique of the intellectual content of textual materials or, for graphic materials, aspects such as vantage point, intended purpose, characteristics of the creator, publication status, or method of  representation.

A form term designates historically and functionally specific kinds of materials distinguished by their physical character, the subject of their                     intellectual content, or the order of information within them.

Physical characteristic terms designate historically and functionally specific kinds of  materials as distinguished by an examination of their physical character, subject of their intellectual content, or the order of information with them.

 A term that specifies the characteristics and general type of content of the resource(s) that designates a category characterizing a particular style, form, or content, such as artistic, musical, literary composition, etc.The specific kind of object / work being described. 
Verwendungshinweis Record one or more terms that characterize the type of work being cataloged, referring to the work's physical form, function, or media. It is recommended to use the most specific, appropriate term.Recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary such as the DCMI Type Vocabulary.      Der Wert muss aus einem kontrollierten Vokabular kommen. Das Vokabular, aus dem der Wert übernommen wird, muss angegeben werden. Dafür muss mindestens eines der folgenden Attribute vorhanden sein:
  • authority
  • authorityURI
  • valueURI


(Anm. JL: könnte typisiert werden nach "class", "work type" oder "style".)

Preferably taken from a published controlled vocabulary. For a collection, include repeating instances for identifying all of or the most important items in the collection. 
Beispiel(e)  refectory table, altarpiece, portfolio, drawingdrinking vessel, basilica, dome Image, Still Image, Moving Image  Fachwerkhaus Fotos, Prozessakten 

Examples of genre terms for textual materials are: biographies, catechisms, essays, hymns, or reviews.

Examples of form and physical characteristic terms are: daybooks,                     diaries, directories, journals, memoranda, questionnaires, syllabi, or time sheets.

 text, cartographic, notated music, sound recording, sound recording-musical, sound recording-nonmusical, still image, moving image, three dimensional object, software/multimedia, mixed materials   
Objektklassifikation      Kassifikation  <Art des Objekts>    
Element-/Attributname 2.1 Classification Term dc:subject, dcterms:subject buildingCategory ead/archdesc[@level="collection"]/dsc//c[@level="..."]/index/indexentry/subject 050
084 "Other
classification number" $a
Definition The term from a classification scheme that has been assigned to a work.  The topic of the resource. Kategorisierung des Bautyps, z.B. "Wohnen". 

050: Classification or call number that is taken from Library of Congress Classification or LC Classification Additions and Changes. The brackets that customarily surround alternate class/call numbers are not carried in the MARC record; they may be generated based on the presence of repeated $a  subfields.

084: Classification number from a scheme not covered by one of the other number fields. The  field should not be used for classification numbers assigned from a source for which a subfield $2 source of number code would not be assigned. 

 a designation applied to a resource that indicates the subject by applying a formal system of coding and organizing resources according to subject areas Concepts used to categorize an object / work by grouping it together with others on the basis of similar characteristics. 
Verwendungshinweis A Classification term should typically be more general than the specific term recorded in OBJECT/WORK - TYPE. For example, if a work is identified  as a chair in OBJECT/WORK - TYPE, it could have a broader CLASSIFICATION  of furniture. However, the OBJECT/WORK - TYPE and CLASSIFICATION  are sometimes the same. Typically, the subject will be represented using keywords, key phrases, or classification codes. Recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary. Vereinheitlichung über die Konkordanzliste der VdL.   


Sachschlagwörter der GND, DDC

  The category belongs to a systematic scheme (classification) which groups objects of similar characteristics according to uniform aspects. This grouping / classification may be done according to material, form, shape, function, region of origin, cultural context, or historical or stylistic period. In addition to this systematic grouping it may also be done according to organizational divisions within a museum (e.g., according to the collection structure of a museum). If the object / work is assigned to multiple classifications, repeat this element.Preferably taken from a published controlled vocabulary.  
Beispiel(e) e.g., furniture, painting, architecture, graphic arts  Wohnen Sakralbauten Industrie, Technik, Handwerk Landwirtschaft, Forstwirtschaft Befestigung, Militär Öffentliche Bauten, Verwaltung Handel, Gewerbe, Dienstleistung Gesundheit, Soziales Sport, Freizeit Landschaft Bildung, Wissenschaft, Kultur Garten, Park, Freiraum Bauteil, Ausstattung Denkmal, Kleindenkmal      
Kassifikation  <Fachlicher Kontext>          


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