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Overview (proposed)

See further overviews here

general holding information

entity descriptioncommentsHolding Core?
call number / label (global)ck: ZETA (Magazinsignatur), ISO20775 (pieceIdentifier ?), Z39.71 (Copy Identifier ?)yes
location (on a shelf)ck: see location
bill number ck: ?? Is this necessary?
acquisition date  
corresponding titleck: daia:exemplarOf -> holding:exemplarOf 
urlaccess on electronic documentck: foaf:page (see also electronic access information )


ck: taken from ISO 20775


unrestricted access

access with authorization

preview only

no online access

restrictions unspecified

access restricted URL based


comment on the holding description  
holding Institutionck: (relations between a holding and an agent) daia:heldBy --> holding:heldBy
relations between a holding and another holdingck: daia:narrowerExemplar -> holding:narrowerExemplar , daia:broaderExemplar -> holding:broaderExemplar , daia:narrowerExemplarOf -> holding:narrowerExemplarOf , daia:broaderExemplarOf -> holding:broaderExemplarOf
enumeration and chronology

ck: the description of enumeration and chronology of a periodical (ecpo:hasBestandsverlauf)

inter library loan


ck: ill code vocabulary as range (holding:ill) 
Date of Reportck: on which the holdings statement was created or last updated 

Type of Unit Designator

ck: (see z39.71)

0 (zero) -->Information not available; Not applicable

a --> Basic bibliographic unit

c --> Secondary bibliographic unit: supplements, special issues, accompanying material, other secondary bibliographic units

d --> Indexes


Physical Form Designatorck: (see z39.71) specifies the physical form of the unit. Typically this information resides in the title description, but there is also the possibility to catalouge independent from the physical form. Maybe dcterms:medium with RDA Carrier Types 

Completeness Designator

ck: (see z39.71)

0 (zero) --> Information not available, or Retention is limited

1 --> Complete (95%-100% held)

2 --> Incomplete (50%-94% held)

3 --> Very incomplete or scattered (less than 50% held)

4 --> Not applicable


Acquisition Status Designator

ck: (see z39.71) also see current status

0 (zero)  --> Information not available, or Retention is limited

1 --> Other

2 --> Received and complete or Ceased

3 --> On order

4 --> Currently received

5 --> Not currently received


Retention Designator

ck: (see z39.71)

0 (zero) --> Information not available

1 --> Other

2 --> Retained except as replaced by updates

3 --> Sample issue retained

4 --> Retained until replaced by microform, or other preservation format

5 --> Retained until replaced by cumulation, replacement volume, or revision

6 --> Limited retention (only some parts kept)

7 --> No retention (no parts kept)

8 --> Permanent retention (all parts kept permanently)

Name of Unitck: (see z39.71) name of unit is usually given only when the holdings of a secondary bibliographic unit are being recorded. For single-part secondary units, the name of unit may be the only data element required to express Extent of Holdings 
Extent of Unitck: (see z39.71) extent of unit is usually given only when a unit lacks sequential designations. This occurs most frequently with non-serial units. 

service portfolio

entity descriptioncomments
holding related serviceck: A service might not be a property aof of a holding but of an agent?


entity descriptioncomments
availabilityck: might be related to a service and expressed with DAIA
currently in the collection of an Agent 

eventually not in the collection yet (ordered, in processing ...)


eventually not in the collection anymore (stolen, missing, destroyed, withdrawn...)


Acquisition Status Designator

ck: (see z39.71) also see current status

0 (zero) 

--> Information not available, or Retention is limited

1 --> Other

2 --> Received and complete or Ceased

3 --> On order

4 --> Currently received

5 --> Not currently received




entity descriptioncomments
relation between a title/description and an holdingck: daia:exemplar -> holding:exemplar see corresponding title
relation between an agent and an holdingck: daia:holds -> holding:holds see relations between a holding and an agent


entity descriptioncomments
Access methodck: e.g. Email FTP Remote login (Telnet) Dial-up HTTP
Relationship to the general holdingck: e.g. Resource, Version of resource, Related resource
Electronic name ck: dcterms:title
Processor of request 
Bits per second 
Contact for access assistance 
Name of location of host 
Operating system 
Electronic format type ck: dcterms:format
Terminal emulation 
Hours access method available ck: dcterms:available
Record control number 
Link text  (URL) ck: <dcterms:relation rdf:resource="URL">
Public note rdf:
licenseck: dcterms:license