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Kommentar: Zitat ergänzt


Relevantes RDF-Snippet:


schema:about [ a skos:Concept;
            schema:name "Référence (Philosophie)"@en ],
        [ a schema:Person;
            schema:name "Goodman, Nelson‍"@en ] .

Gesamtes RDF zu der bibliographischen Ressource:


@prefix library: <> .
@prefix madsrdf: <> .
@prefix schema: <> .
@prefix skos: <> .

<> a schema:Book;
    library:holdingsCount "316"@en;
    library:oclcnum "8762580"@en;
    library:placeOfPublication [ a schema:Place;
            schema:name "Indianapolis, Ind. :"@en ];
    schema:about [ a skos:Concept;
            schema:name "Référence (Philosophie)"@en ],
        [ a schema:Person;
            schema:name "Goodman, Nelson‍"@en ],
        [ a skos:Concept;
            schema:name "Reference (Philosophy)"@en;
            madsrdf:isIdentifiedByAuthority <> ],
    schema:author <>;
    schema:copyrightYear "1983"@en;
    schema:inLanguage "en"@en;
    schema:isbn "0915145529"@en,
    schema:name "With reference to reference"@en;
    schema:numberOfPages "200"@en;
    schema:publisher [ a schema:Organization;
            schema:name "Hackett Pub. Co."@en ] .

<> a skos:Concept;
    skos:inScheme <> .

<> a skos:Concept;
    schema:name "Reference (Philosophy)‍"@en .

<> a schema:Person;
    schema:name "Goodman, Nelson, 1906-"@en,
        "Goodman, Nelson."@en;
    madsrdf:isIdentifiedByAuthority <> .

<> a schema:Person;
    schema:name "Elgin, Catherine Z., 1948-"@en;
    madsrdf:isIdentifiedByAuthority <> .


Microdata-Beispiel (von


<span itemprop="about" itemscope itemtype="">
    <span itemprop="name">Metformin</span>
    <span itemprop="code" itemscope
      <!-- Note: use of itemid is not mandatory, but recommended when an
           external enumeration is available -->
      <meta itemprop="code" content="D02.078.370.141.450"/>
      <meta itemprop="codingSystem" content="MeSH"/>


Vorschlag 2: Nutzung des Open Annotation Data Model

SIehe Siehe, wo es heißt (Hervorhebung von Adrian)

An annotation is considered to be a set of connected resources, typically including a body and target, and conveys that the body is related to the target. The exact nature of this relationship changes according to the intention of the annotation, but most frequently conveys that the body is somehow "about" the target. Other possible relationships include that the body is an identifier for the target, provides a representation of the target, or classifies the target in some way.


 To Do: Beispiel ergänzen.