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Aktualisierungletzte Version 1988-12-05
Anzahl Systematikstellen?
Anzahl Hierarchieebenen3

"The Proposed international standard nomenclature for fields of science and technology was proposed in 1973 and 1974 by the Division of Science Policy and Statistics for Science and Technology of UNESCO and adopted by the Scientific Advisory Committee. This is a classification system widely used in knowledge management of research projects and dissertations. Categories are divided into three hierarchical levels: Fields: Refering to general sections. Encoded with two digits and comprises several disciplines. Disciplines: Provide an overview of specialty groups in Science and Technology. Encoded with four digits. Despite being different from each other disciplines with cross references, or within the same field, are considered to have common characteristics. Subdisciplines: Entries are the more specific elements of the nomenclature and represent the activities that take place within a discipline. Encoded with six digits. In turn, must correspond to individual specialties in science and technology."




AutorStatistik Austria
Anzahl Systematikstellen1503
Anzahl Hierarchieebenen4
KontextInternational (Untergruppen 4-Steller, um  österreichische Gegebenheiten zu berücksichtigen)
Beschreibung "Austrian version of the revised international Fields of Science and Technology Classification of the OECD (FOS) published in the Frascati Manual 2015 as Fields of Research and Development (FORD). These fields are adjusted to national needs, whose application for international comparisons is binding, particularly within the European Statistical System. The six major Fields of Science: Natural Sciences; Technical Sciences; Human Medicine, Health Sciences; Agricultural Sciences, Veterinary Medicine; Social Sciences and Humanities remained unchanged in comparison to ÖFOS 2002. In order to ensure international comparability, the previous 2-digit levels from 2002, which are no longer applicable, were replaced by new 3-digit levels (groups) according to the international FOS respectively FORD. These 3-digit levels were provided with further sub-groups (4-digits) taking into account the comments of the international classification. It is therefore feasible that the new Austrian Fields of Science adapt to national peculiarities of the Austrian research activities. The research area with the corresponding 6-digits in alphabetical order serves as a description of the fields of activities and research projects and/or for the coverage of the main scientific activities of a statistical unit in the research and development surveys."