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Slot 2: 11:30 - 13:00 Uhr

40 Teilnehmende



(Platzhalter für das Widget)

The Wikidata and Wikibase Library Community

Library institutions are increasingly indicating their interest in and commitment to Wikidata and Wikibase. In our MiniCon, we want to bring the existing community and curious newcomers together to discuss the future. 

Wikidata is a large knowledge graph containing general purpose data about the world, collected and maintained by thousands of people. The software used to run Wikidata, called Wikibase, is free and open source. Increasingly, Wikibase is being used by institutions and projects to set up and maintain their own linked databases. An example of this is the GND meets Wikibase project run by the German National Library. Both Wikidata and Wikibase are software projects developed and maintained by Wikimedia Deutschland - the German chapter of the global Wikimedia movement that works to increase access to knowledge.

Interest in and commitment to the Wikibase and Wikidata projects within the library community continues to grow. One example of this is the WikiLibrary Manifesto. In our MiniCon, the team working on Wikidata and Wikibase aims to bring this growing community together. We welcome those already familiar with the Wikidata and Wikibase projects as well as newcomers to join us to discuss the future. 

The session will be split into two sections:

  1. Part one will be a set of presentations to introduce the relevant projects.

  2. Part two will be an interactive workshop for participants to come together and discuss the future. We want to use this workshop as a forum to discuss, among other things, community needs, the role of Wikidata in the growing Wikibase ecosystem, and institutional requirements for the Wikibase software suite.

Deutsche Fassung

Bibliotheksinstitutionen bekunden zunehmend ihr Interesse und Engagement für Wikidata und Wikibase. In unserer MiniCon wollen wir die bestehende Community und neugierige Neueinsteiger*innen zusammenbringen, um die Zukunft zu diskutieren.

Wikidata ist eine große Wissensdatenbank, die allgemeine Daten über die Welt enthält, die von Tausenden von Menschen gesammelt und gepflegt werden. Die Software, die zum Betrieb von Wikidata verwendet wird (Wikibase), ist frei verfügbar und open source. Wikibase wird zunehmend von Institutionen und Projekten genutzt, um ihre eigenen verknüpften Datenbanken einzurichten und zu pflegen. Ein Beispiel hierfür ist das Projekt GND meets Wikibase der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek. Sowohl Wikidata als auch Wikibase sind Software-Projekte, die von Wikimedia Deutschland entwickelt und gepflegt werden. Wikimedia Deutschland ist die deutsche Sektion der weltweiten Wikimedia-Bewegung, die sich für einen besseren Zugang zu Wissen einsetzt.

Das Interesse an und das Engagement für die Projekte Wikibase und Wikidata innerhalb der Bibliotheksgemeinschaft wächst stetig. Ein Beispiel dafür ist das WikiLibrary-Manifest. Mit unserer MiniCon möchte das Team, das an Wikidata und Wikibase arbeitet, diese wachsende Gemeinschaft zusammenbringen. Wir heißen sowohl diejenigen, die bereits mit den Projekten Wikidata und Wikibase vertraut sind, als auch Neulinge willkommen, um mit uns über die Zukunft zu diskutieren. 

Die Sitzung wird in zwei Teile gegliedert sein:

  1. Teil eins wird eine Reihe von Präsentationen sein, um die relevanten Projekte vorzustellen.

  2. Teil zwei wird ein interaktiver Workshop sein, in dem die Teilnehmenden zusammenkommen und über die Zukunft diskutieren können. Wir wollen diesen Workshop als Forum nutzen, um u.a. die Bedürfnisse der Community, die Rolle von Wikidata im wachsenden Wikibase-Ökosystem und institutionelle Anforderungen an die Wikibase-Software-Suite zu diskutieren.


GNDCon: Meeting of the growing community of Wikibase users

29. June 2021
Georgina Burnett Bayan Hilles


GNDCon is a conference for stakeholders in the Gemeinsame Normdatei (GND) — the German language integrated authority file. The GND is used across the cultural and research sector when cataloguing. Wikibase – the software behind Wikidata – is used to facilitate cross-sector and collaborative data maintenance. The conference is organised by those involved in the GND Cooperative, with the Deutsche NationalBibliothek (DNB) as the major organiser.

The GND Meets Wikibase project is the first of its kind at a major national library. The DNB plans to use Wikibase, the software developed by Wikimedia Deutschland, to run the GND file. Wikimedia Deutschland works closely with the DNB on this project, and stakeholders in the GND are naturally an important part of the growing Wikibase community. This year’s edition of the GNDCon was completely online and adopted a decentralized format, with a total of 14 “MiniCons” run by a range of organisers and delving into a number of topics. 

In the MiniCon organized by Wikimedia Deutschland, we wanted to bring the existing community and curious newcomers together, talk about Wikibase and Wikidata, gain insight into institutions’ requirements and challenges, and discuss the future. 

Connecting a community with a passion for Linked Open Data

To find out more about the community, we conducted a survey beforehand. Participants had varying levels of knowledge and experience with Wikidata and Wikibase in the group, and many were interested in Linked Open Data. Often due to personal interest, rather than any institutional mandate. The interests also included a diverse range of topics including digitalisation, multilinguality, linking databases and expanding user services.

Next to giving attendees an overview of Wikidata and Wikibase, we held an interactive discussion designed to delve into the challenges institutions face when embarking on Wikibase projects, the different ways Wikibase could be used, and how this particular community group might want to move forward. Slides from the session can be found here, and written notes taken during the discussion can be found here

There were four key learning outcomes: 

  1. This particular group could imagine using Wikibase for, among other things, bibliographical, person and norm data. 
  2. A number of different skills are needed to run a Wikibase project: technical, soft, and data modelling. 
  3. There is a strong interest for a German-speaking community group. 
  4. There is interest in further workshops and exchange in the future. 

Helping institutions to connect with the world of open data with Wikibase

Through this MiniCon, we gained further insight into this particular community group, as well as their needs and interests. We will take this valuable information and use it to help inform further development work and our efforts to support the growing Wikibase and Wikidata community. 

More broadly, it is exciting to see how interest in Wikibase continues to grow both within Germany and internationally. This is also evidenced by the growing number of institutions that are signing the WikiLibrary manifesto. Increasingly, Wikibase is being explored as a tool to help institutions connect with the world of linked open data, and in turn, increase access to their vast knowledge collections. This is very exciting, and we’re looking forward to seeing the projects that are to come. 


Georgina Burnett (Wikimedia Deutschland e.V., WMDE)

Maria Heuschkel (WMDE)

Bayan Hilles (WMDE)

Lydia Pintscher (WMDE)

Mohammed Sadat Abdulai (WMDE)

Lea Voget (WMDE)


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