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On the protocol level, however, it doesn't help. When you have an http:xxx sameAs https:xxx you have to exploit the (insecure) http data first, before going to https. Any http transfer makes the data exchange insecure. So owl:sameAs relations between http and https URIs just blow up the data volume and doesn't solve the problem. According to Halpin there is no way in RDF to say that one URI is equivalent to another URI (owl:sameAs links individual/entities but not the identifiers).


Linked Data is about the web. Deploying something like a resolver in between breaks the web approach: you have to educate users to use the resolver instead (which btw has other disadvantages - bad experience with resolvers with DOI because the resolvers behave so differently. BnF experience: It's not sufficient to set an ARK on everything)

Halpin thinks that it would be a logical step in the future for the RDF standard to declare https und http URIs equivalent. Recently there is much discussion on the semweb mailing list regarding features for RDF2 (incl. other topics such as literals as subjects, b-nodes as predicates etc.)


Relying on technical advancement and client side is also what is recommended in a 2016 W3C Blog post: (summarised by Sandro Hawke) '[...] keep writing “http:” and trust that the infrastructure will quietly switch over to TLS (https) whenever both client and server can handle it. Meanwhile, let’s try to get SemWeb software to be doing TLS+UIR+HSTS and be as secure as modern browsers.'

The question is: why wait? Harry Halpin sees no reason to wait for RDF standard or client side changes because the (semantic) web is young enough to change to https.


Bibliothèque nationale de France has upgraded to https in the data on the web pages, but not in the SPARQL endpoint. Switching the website to https was a decision made by the directorate aimed at the positive image of the institution when maintaining a secure website. And BnF projects are about bringing traffic from search engines (see above).
The unchanged data at the SPARQL endpoint was not so much in focus because the endpoint is not much used and also they are looking at new API on top of that endpoint. Perhaps the http/https issue can be addressed in that layer.

Since there are several active users of the DNB Linked Data Service in the room they are asked: What happens to your system if DNB changed to HTTPS tomorrow? One wouldn't mind at all. Two would need advanced warning, but general attitude "changes are ok as technology advances. Just need to be announced". Users of the Zeitschriftendatenbank Linked Data Service are assumed to have a similar attitude but would need to be asked.
