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Emulation WG

Objectives and tasks


Site is under way!The challenge of long-term preservation and the use of digital objects in culture-preserving institutions is the work field of the joint expert group. The tasks range from the clarification of conceptual and legal questions through to the proposal of technical solutions designed for practical application. The large number of different digital objects - from simple text documents to complex multimedia applications - requires different conceptual and technical solutions. 
The main aspects addressed by the group include strategic objectives such as awareness-raising for (and distribution of) emulation as a preservation concept, clarification of the legal basis or the creation or dissemination of best practices, specific research topics such as the exploration of open technological issues regarding emulation as a preservation concept or the automation of preservation workflows, as well as the establishment of partnerships with national and international partners from research and industry. The WG pages can be found at:

Contact Person






Rechert, Klaus

Open SLX GmbH

von Suchodoletz, DirkRechenzentrum der Universität Freiburgdirk.von.suchodoletz@rz.uni-freiburg

Andreas Lange

Computerspielemuseum Berlin
