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Kommentar: Migrated to Confluence 5.3


Video conference on Jan 18th 2011

03:30 – 0405:30 00 pm (MET)
09:30 – 1011:30 00 am (EST)

1. Introduction (participants and scope)

2. Summary on the general progress of the issues raised in the document from the German libraries

German National Library MARC 21 Records for OCLC WorldCat.txt

3.Review the technical details of the initial batchload


- DNB needs time for the scheduling of the MARC21 export of the whole database and approx. 4-5 weeks for the selection
- OCLC should quote a date when the DNB records can be loaded - to prevent a long time gap between selection & loading
- when will OCLC finish the adaptions for the batchload of standard MARC21?
- how long will the loading last, means: when will DNB get the required export informations (and needs an import flow for them)
