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Erste schriftliche Kommentare von DACH-Seite an die MARC-E-Mail-Liste (Monatsarchiv unter MARC Archives - January 2024)


While we think that we understand the need here, we do not support the approach taken by this 
paper. We were one of the parts of the MARC community who quite recently drove the enrichment of 
fields 506, 540 and 856 for Open Access and license information, and we are heavily and growingly 
using these format elements. We are not convinced that, as the authors of the paper noted, "the 
existing subfield $u in field 506 serves a different purpose than subfields $0 or $1 would." The 
existence of subfields $0 or $1 is quite unusual in fields of the 5XX range, and mostly for good 
reasons, from our perspective. It would become too complicated to look for possibly the same 
information in three subfields. According to the discussions last summer, the distinction between 
subfields $0 and $1 is unclear and still to be clarified. So we recommend to explore whether subfield 
$u is sufficient.


Nebenthema: zur unklaren Unterscheidung von $0 einerseits und $1 andererseits

Protokoll des MAC-Treffens Juni 2023: 2023 MAC Annual Meeting Minutes

darin Abschnitt "MAC Discussion: URIs in Subfields $0 and $1 of the MARC 21 Formats"

Dokumentation in MARC, z.B. bei MARC Bibliographic: Appendix A: Control Subfields