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Thomas Bosch (Gesis): The RDF Validator - A Tool to Validate RDF Data
Recently, RDF validation as a research field gained speed due to common needs of data practitioners. A typical example is the library domain that co-developed and adopted Linked Data principles very early. Although, there are multiple constraint languages (having different syntaxes and semantics) which can be used to express RDF constraints such as cardinality restrictions, there is no constraint language which can be seen as the standard. The five most promising ones on being the standard are Description Set Profiles (DSP), Resource Shapes (ReSh), Shape Expressions (ShEx), the SPARQL Inferencing Notation (SPIN), and the Web Ontology Language (OWL 2). SPARQL is generally seen as the method of choice to validate RDF data according to certain constraints. We use SPIN, a SPARQL-based way to formulate and check constraints, as basis to define a validation environment (available at to validate RDF data according to constraints expressed by arbitrary constraint languages. Additionally, the RDF Validator can be used to validate RDF data to ensure correct syntax and intended semantics of vocabularies such as Disco, Data Cube, DCAT, and SKOS. We present how to express typical RDF constraints by multiple constraint languages and how to actually validate RDF data conforming to these constraints using the RDF Validator. The workshop participants are encouraged to use the RDF Validator during this session (only an internet browser is needed) in order to express RDF constraints they need for their individual purposes.

Kai Eckert (HdM Stuttgart): JudaicaLink: Authority Data from Encyclopediae
The JudaicaLink project aims at generating Linked Data representations for contextualization from various open data sources, mainly online encyclopediae. In this talk, I will briefly introduce the JudaicaLink data model as an application profile for SKOS and demonstrate, how the JudaicaLink data is created using simple web crawls.
