Versionen im Vergleich


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EBUCore is a widespread, active and accepted international metadata standard for media assets. It is therefore very well suited as a target format for technical as well as decriptive metadata to be stored with the archive packages. However, since the filmographic data from EN 15744 is a an uncomplicated and small set, it can also be fitted in EBUCore. EN 15744 is implemented in EBUCore according to the specifications and is not changed. An additional publication event level "version" is added to the metadata set, which is extracted from the manifestation fields in the SDK Adlib system. The publication event version can be used to assign items data objects to a manifestation. The work, the publication event version and the item data object each receive a PID.

2: Building a test system for research


3: Interface PID system and Adlib database:

When works and items corresponding sub parts are created in the SDK database, identifiers are automatically generated via an interface to the PID system and transferred to Adlib. The associated descriptive metadata is automatically extracted from Adlib and linked to the identifiers in the PID system.2
