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1.  Introduction (participants and scope)

2.  Summary on the general progress of the issues raised in the document from the German libraries

3.  Review the technical details of the initial batchload
a) actions by OCLC
b) ISBD punctuation

4.  Informations about the results of the batchload
a) what happens during the matching with DNB records
     - if no matching record is found
     - if only a record of a different language is found
     - if a record of a german network is found
     - if a record of DNB is found
    -> is it possible to send examples?
b) presentation of DNB records in WorldCat
     - what DNB content is presented in WorldCat (only the DNB signet?)
     - what happens if e.g. subjects headings of other german networks do already exist?
     - does the new initial batchload of the whole DNB database change the presentation?
c) return delivery and reports
     - the 2006-treaty says "the records will be returned monthly as records in MARC21 format"
     - what will be the export format: MARC21 or a cross reference report?
     - DNB is interested to get the OCLC number, the DDC numbers and LOC subject headings
     - can OCLC deliver test files for both formats?
     - is there an existing batch tool for the import of OCLC cross reference lists (do we have to contact OCLC Leiden?)
d) visit of Mr Heuvelmann in Dublin/Ohio?

5.  Designing a timetable for the initial batchload of DNB records into WorldCat
- DNB needs time for the scheduling of the MARC21 export of the whole database and approx. 4-5 weeks for the selection
- OCLC should quote a date when the DNB records can be loaded - to prevent a long time gap between selection & loading
- when will OCLC finish the adaptions for the batchload of standard MARC21?
- how long will the loading last, means: when will DNB get the required informations (and needs an import flow for them)

6.  Other topics
a) Status of the proposed addendum to the WorlCat contract
b) Adaptions of the WorldCat SRU catcher are announced for March 2011. Is that correct?
c) Open WorldCat
In the contract the Open WorldCat is mentioned. What is the benefit for DNB? Can DNB get further informations about

