Versionen im Vergleich


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Persistent identifiers (PID) will be used for all archival packages on the levels work, archival collection version and data object to provide the respective references. In this way, clear relationships of the data packages to each other and to a superordinate are possible. In each AIP the metadata (according to FIAF D7) Manifestation/Item Physical Description as well as the core metadata for the identification of the work are represented in form of the minimum set EN 15744. The metadata will be searchable via a user interface.

As part of the long-term archiving strategy of the SDK -ZIB project, the metadata will be automatically extracted from the SDK internal Adlib database and written to a metadata file in METS format, which comprehensively describes the data package. METS is the established standard in the long-term archiving community to capture structures and descriptive information.

The METS format mentioned above file serves as a container in which the metadata added to the archive package, which may be in different formats, can be embedded.


Persistent identifiers make it possible to transfer individual parts of e.g. a restoration event to the long-term archive without losing the relationships between the individual parts and to the superordinate structure. The PID system is not operated in a proprietary system within the institution, but outside the archive on the web. The use of established standards and an openness to other identifier systems promotes broad acceptance in the community. Through an identifier system, the work, colection version or item technical metadata are also visible to the outside world.
