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Call for Papers +++ Call for Papers +++ Call for Papers +++ Call for Papers

Subject Cataloguing - Quo vadis?

A conference associated with the annual meeting of the RDA Steering Committee


Date and venue

Friday 4 November 2016

11.00 - 16.00

Deutsche Nationalbibliothek in Frankfurt am Main


This international satellite conference will be organized by the German National Library, the Swiss National Library and the Austrian National Library.

The conference will focus on subject access from different perspectives. It will engage to a wide discussion about all aspects of subject cataloguing involving the future work with standards in institutions providing cultural heritage.


The conference language is English.


Participation and deadlines

We appreciate proposals for presentations 20 minutes in length.

Please submit an abstract of your planned presentation consisting of a maximum of 2000 characters incl. blanks.

The deadline for submission of abstracts is 31 August 2016.


For the submission of abstracts and for any questions please contact: Edith Röschlau (


We look forward to your contributions.   

  • Keine Stichwörter